Horizon Europe

Salute: bando “Tackling diseases” 2024 (two-stage) di Horizon Europe

La Commissione europea ha pubblicato ufficialmente il bando Tackling diseases two stage 2024 (HORIZON-HLTH-2024-DISEASE-03) del Programma di lavoro 2023-2024 del Cluster Health di Horizon Europe.

Il bando contiene 4 topic, per un budget complessivo ad essi destinati pari a 125 milioni di €:

  • HORIZON-HLTH-2024-DISEASE-03-08-two-stage: Comparative effectiveness research for healthcare interventions in areas of high public health need
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2024-DISEASE-03-11-two-stage: Pandemic preparedness and response: Adaptive platform trials for pandemic preparedness
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2024-DISEASE-03-13-two-stage: Validation of fluid-derived biomarkers for the prediction and prevention of brain disorders
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2024-DISEASE-03-14-two-stage: Tackling high-burden for patients, under-researched medical conditions

Il bando adotta una valutazione a due fasi: la scadenza per le proposte preliminari è prevista per il 19 settembre 2023 e le proposte che supereranno la prima valutazione potranno presentare le proposte complete entro l’11 aprile 2024.

(Fonte: First)

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