101 ideas for European research from the grass roots

A selected group of experts has published a collection of 101 ideas dedicated to the future of research in Europe, organizing 17 events in 16 European capitals in order to get the right inspiration.

The project originated from a previous report Rise “Europe’s future: Open innovation, open science, open to the world” published in May 2017, which presented reflections on opportunities for research.

Experts have traveled to Europe from June 2017 to August 2018 talking to researchers and think tanks about the possible directions that research should take.

The 16 cities visited are: Paris, Stockholm, Madrid, Berlin, Helsinki, Vienna, Turin, Sofia, Athens, Porto, Tallinn, Warsaw, Brussels, Copenhagen, Belgrade, and Dublin.

The new report is not intended as a strategy, but as a tool to start a discussion around the European policy making in the research sector.

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