
Fraxa Research Foundation – Fragile X Research Grants

Each year, FRAXA funds $1 million or more in medical research aimed at finding specific treatments and ultimately a cure for fragile X syndrome. Our goal is to bring practical treatment into current medical practice as quickly as possible; so preference is given to projects that have a clear practical application and the results of which will […]

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Oxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation – Research grants

The Oxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation invites applications for its research grants. These support research that will lead to new diagnostics, treatments and a cure for primary hyperoxaluria and related hyperoxaluria conditions. Applicants must hold a MD, PhD or equivalent by the start of the funding period and have an appointment at an academic institution. Each

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Nuovo-Soldati Foundation for Cancer research – Fellowships

The Nuovo-Soldati Foundation for Cancer Research invites applications for its fellowships. These support young doctors in pursuing a research project on cancer cells with the main aim being to support innovative techniques or novel therapeutic approaches. Medically qualified candidates or medical students at the end of their training who work in specialities such as pathology,

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Scienze della vita: annunciate le tematiche delle prossime call dell’Innovative Health Initiative

L’Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) ha pubblicato le tematiche in corso di esame per i prossimi bandi IHI 6 e 7 con lancio previsto a inizio 2024. Per quanto riguarda la call IHI 6, articolata in due fasi, verranno considerati i seguenti topic:  Sostegno alla resilienza del sistema sanitario attraverso un focus sulla permanenza di malattie croniche nel trattamento  Sviluppo di indicazioni e raccomandazioni

Scienze della vita: annunciate le tematiche delle prossime call dell’Innovative Health Initiative Leggi tutto »

Osteology Foundation – Young and Advanced Researcher Grant

The Osteology Foundation intends to promote applied research so that new developments and treatment concepts can be made available at practice level more quickly and backed by sufficient testing. The Young Researcher Grants are intended for research proposals submitted by clinicians and researchers who want to address questions in the field of oral and maxillofacial tissue

Osteology Foundation – Young and Advanced Researcher Grant Leggi tutto »

Warren Alpert Foundation Prize

The Warren Alpert Foundation Prize, in association with Harvard Medical School, recognizes and honors one or more scientists, physicians and researchers whose scientific achievements have led to the prevention, cure or treatment of human diseases or disorders, and/or whose research constitutes a seminal scientific finding that holds great promise of ultimately changing our understanding of or

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Partnership for Clean Competition – Fellowship Program

Il programma di fellowship prevede due diversi percorsi: Laboratory Track: rivolto ai candidati che desiderano intraprendere una carriera all’interno di un laboratorio antidoping Research Track: rivolto a candidati che desiderano contribuire a un progetto di ricerca antidoping di alta qualità all’interno di un ente accademico (laboratorio non WADA). Le fellowship sono rivolte a ricercatori in possesso di un

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Osteology Foundation – Large Clinical Grants

Il programma finanzia gruppi di ricerca con una comprovata esperienza nel campo della ricerca clinica nel settore della rigenerazione dei tessuti orale e maxillofacciale. I progetti devono avere una durata di massimo tre anni e la fondazione contribuisce con un finanziamento complessivo fino a CHF 350.000. I progetti prevedono una presentazione e una valutazione in due

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The Marfan Foundation – Career Development Award

The Marfan Foundation, Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Foundation and The VEDS Movement invite applications for their career development grant. This supports investigators early in their career to derive preliminary data in a key concept area that has high potential to lead to extended funding from NIH, EU, or other large research funding sources. Special areas of interest

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