scienze biomediche

EuroHPC: nuovo bando per la cooperazione internazionale con il Giappone sulle tecnologie quantistiche

E’ online il bando EuroHPC International Cooperation volto a rafforzare l’ecosistema europeo di R&S nel calcolo quantistico attraverso la cooperazione con l’ecosistema giapponese, con scadenza fissata al 27 febbraio 2025. L’obiettivo di questo bando è supportare l’attuazione del Partenariato Digitale UE-Giappone (Japan-EU Digital Partnership) per rafforzare le attività di cooperazione per ottimizzare algoritmi e codici ibridi Quantum-HPC in applicazioni avanzate accademiche e industriali di […]

EuroHPC: nuovo bando per la cooperazione internazionale con il Giappone sulle tecnologie quantistiche Leggi tutto »

Foundation for the National Institutes of Health – Lurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences

Nominations are open for the 2022 Lurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences.  Each year, the FNIH recognizes outstanding achievements by a promising young scientist in biomedical research by bestowing the Lurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences, a $100,000 award.  NOMINATION CRITERIA Nominations are broadly solicited and can be made by any member of an accredited educational and/or

Foundation for the National Institutes of Health – Lurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences Leggi tutto »

Eppendorf award for young European investigators call 2021

The Eppendorf AG, in partnership with the scientific journal Nature, invites applications for its award for young European investigators. This recognises contributions to biomedical research in Europe based on methods of molecular biology, including novel analytical concepts. European researchers, not older than 35 years, who hold a PhD or MD may apply. The award consists

Eppendorf award for young European investigators call 2021 Leggi tutto »


Wellcome – Senior Research Fellowships in Basic Biomedical Science

You can apply for a Senior Research Fellowship in Basic Biomedical Science if you have: Around seven to twelve years’ research experience at postdoctoral level, or the veterinary equivalent (from the date of your PhD to our final decision date). Or you’re an intermediate fellow (eg Research Career Development Fellow, Sir Henry Dale Fellow, Royal Society University Research

Wellcome – Senior Research Fellowships in Basic Biomedical Science Leggi tutto »


Wellcome – Senior Research Fellowships in Basic Biomedical Science

You can apply for a Senior Research Fellowship in Basic Biomedical Science if you have: Around seven to twelve years’ research experience at postdoctoral level, or the veterinary equivalent (from the date of your PhD to our final decision date). Or you’re an intermediate fellow (eg Research Career Development Fellow, Sir Henry Dale Fellow, Royal Society University Research

Wellcome – Senior Research Fellowships in Basic Biomedical Science Leggi tutto »

Al via Euro-Bioimaging, infrastruttura europea di ricerca per le tecnologie immaging per le ricerche biomediche e biologiche

Ufficialmente costituito il Consorzio per un’infrastruttura europea di ricerca Euro-BioImaging (Euro-BioImaging ERIC), l’infrastruttura europea di ricerca per le tecnologie im, scienze biologiche, scienze biomediche, imaging aging nelle scienze biologiche e biomediche. La funzione principale di Euro-BioImaging ERIC consiste nel costituire e gestire un’infrastruttura di ricerca distribuita in tutta Europa che offra ai ricercatori un accesso aperto alle tecnologie innovative di immaginografia in campo medico e

Al via Euro-Bioimaging, infrastruttura europea di ricerca per le tecnologie immaging per le ricerche biomediche e biologiche Leggi tutto »

Eppendorf award for young European investigators

The Eppendorf AG, in partnership with the scientific journal Nature, invites applications for its award for young European investigators. This recognises contributions to biomedical research in Europe based on methods of molecular biology, including novel analytical concepts. European researchers, not older than 35 years, who hold a PhD or MD may apply. The award consists

Eppendorf award for young European investigators Leggi tutto »

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