
The main MEPs backing the EU Research and Development program are re-elected

Despite the results of the recent European elections we represented a change in Europe, in favor of the right or the “greens” / liberals depending on the point of view, MEPs committed to the next EU Research and Development Program Horizon Europe have maintained their place in Parliament and probably will be able to continue […]

The main MEPs backing the EU Research and Development program are re-elected Leggi tutto »

Netval Summer Conference “Creating Value from Research – The Evolving role of Knowledge Transfer” – Rome, 16-19 September 2019

Registration is open for the Netval Summer Conference, entitled “Creating Value from Research – The Evolving Role of Knowledge Transfer” to be held in Rome from 16 to 19 September 2019, at the CNR headquarters in Piazzale Aldo Moro. The international conference is aimed at technology transfer professionals, innovation managers, those involved in relations with

Netval Summer Conference “Creating Value from Research – The Evolving role of Knowledge Transfer” – Rome, 16-19 September 2019 Leggi tutto »

International Conferences Boundary Landscapes

The international Boundary Landscapes conference held at the University of Brescia on 19 and 20 June 2018, co-financed with University funds for international activities, of which Olivia Longo was scientific director together with Ivana Passamani, was selected by the committee of the London Festival of Architecture and included in the 2019 program dedicated to the

International Conferences Boundary Landscapes Leggi tutto »


APRE Roundtable “EIC, Clusters and Missions” – Brussels, 13 June 2019

The second pillar clusters, the R&I missions, the European Innovation Council: three of the most debated issues in Brussels in the R&I world will become reality with the launch of the next framework program. As part of the series of initiatives “Towards Horizon Europe”, APRE is organizing the round table “EIC, Clusters and Missions –

APRE Roundtable “EIC, Clusters and Missions” – Brussels, 13 June 2019 Leggi tutto »


EU budget: in 2019 an additional € 100 million for research programs and student mobility

Following the agreement between the European Parliament and the Council on the EU 2019 budget, the European Commission proposes to add 100 million euros to the financing of EU flagship programs: Horizon 2020 and Erasmus +. These additional funds will help strengthen the EU response to key challenges such as climate change and further adapt

EU budget: in 2019 an additional € 100 million for research programs and student mobility Leggi tutto »


Italy and Poland relaunch bilateral cooperation in science and technology

On 19 April the renewal of the Executive Protocol for scientific and technological cooperation between Italy and Poland for the two-year period 2019-2020 was signed in Warsaw. The document was signed respectively by the Directorate General for the Promotion of the Country System of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (DGSP-MAECI) and by

Italy and Poland relaunch bilateral cooperation in science and technology Leggi tutto »


Horizon Europe: negotiations show increasing tensions between east and west

Science | Business has analyzed and reconstructed the current dispute in Brussels concerning the payment methods that the European Union uses to remunerate researchers from eastern and western countries participating in European projects. In most cases the Commission reimburses universities and other bodies in relation to how much scientists are normally paid in their countries,

Horizon Europe: negotiations show increasing tensions between east and west Leggi tutto »