
Lung ventilators for everyone and at low cost: UniBs in the international project “Milan Mechanical Ventilator”

The University of Brescia once again at the forefront of the battle against Coronavirus: the Industrial Control Systems research group of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering has been involved in the international Milan Mechanical Fan (MVM) project for development of new low-cost and fast production ventilators, aimed at being used by the greatest […]

Lung ventilators for everyone and at low cost: UniBs in the international project “Milan Mechanical Ventilator” Leggi tutto »

Brescian study on Covid-19 and heart disease. Demographic data, clinical features and prognosis of Covid-19 patients with associated heart disease described for the first time

A study conducted by prof. Marco Metra of the University of Brescia, Director of the Cardiology Unit of ASST-Spedali Civili, describes, for the first time, in the world literature, the demographic data, the clinical characteristics and the prognosis of cardiac Covid-19 patients and compares these data with those of patients without concomitant heart disease. All

Brescian study on Covid-19 and heart disease. Demographic data, clinical features and prognosis of Covid-19 patients with associated heart disease described for the first time Leggi tutto »

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Coronavirus: Commission launches data sharing platform for researchers

Today, the European Commission together with several partners launched a European COVID-19 Data Platform to enable the rapid collection and sharing of available research data. The platform, part of the ERAvsCorona Action Plan, marks another milestone in the EU’s efforts to support researchers in Europe and around the world in the fight against the coronavirus

Coronavirus: Commission launches data sharing platform for researchers Leggi tutto »

Covid-19 pneumonia: experts from the University of Brescia publish data on the first 100 patients treated with Tocilizumab at the ASST Spedali Civili in Brescia

In a study directed and coordinated by a group of specialists in Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Infectious Diseases, Rheumatology, Pediatrics, Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology of the University of Brescia (COMETA group – acronym for COVID-MEdiated hyper-inflammaTory stAte) were the evidence of the treatment with Tocilizumab, the drug currently in use for the treatment of some

Covid-19 pneumonia: experts from the University of Brescia publish data on the first 100 patients treated with Tocilizumab at the ASST Spedali Civili in Brescia Leggi tutto »

Health, business, production and consumption, fight against climate change: the University of Brescia ranks among the top 200 universities in the world in the four indicators of the University Impact Rankings 2020 ranking of Times Higher Education

THE University Impact Rankings, the first ranking that gives an account of the commitment of universities to the creation of new models of social, cultural and economic development based on the objectives of the UN Agenda 2030, rewards the University of Brescia. The results of the 2020 edition, released by the British newspaper Times Higher

Health, business, production and consumption, fight against climate change: the University of Brescia ranks among the top 200 universities in the world in the four indicators of the University Impact Rankings 2020 ranking of Times Higher Education Leggi tutto »

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UNIBS ed I.S.E.O. collaborate on project “Nobels, Econimists and Scentists for Covid-19”

Università degli Studi di Brescia and I.S.E.O. collaborate for the project “Nobels, Economists and Scientists for Covid-19”: a gathering of articles, essays and short videos by Nobel Laureates in Economics, economists and scientists from all over the world willing to give their contribute to comprehend what effects the Covid-19 spread will have on our lives

UNIBS ed I.S.E.O. collaborate on project “Nobels, Econimists and Scentists for Covid-19” Leggi tutto »

Sustainable finance strategy: the Commission opens a public consultation

The European Commission has launched a consultation on the renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy which contains an overview of future actions to increase private investment in sustainable projects in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal. The objective of the strategy is also to integrate and manage environmental and climate risks in the European

Sustainable finance strategy: the Commission opens a public consultation Leggi tutto »

Good practices and rural resilience in times of COVID-19

The RURITAGE project launches a collection of innovative practices and actions developed in rural communities during the current global crisis for COVID-19 that contribute to strengthening resilience also understood from a social point of view.Objective: to develop together a collection of knowledge, skills, ideas and resources on resilience. In fact, the pandemic crisis also affects

Good practices and rural resilience in times of COVID-19 Leggi tutto »

Coronavirus: information for the MSCA Community

The COVID-19 outbreak has caused major disruptions for many researchers, projects and organisations, including those working with EU funding. The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) are therefore seeking to provide responsive, up-to-date information for all MSCA researchers and projects. Researchers, project managers and interested stakeholders can access information on relevant news and initiatives, call updates or

Coronavirus: information for the MSCA Community Leggi tutto »