Enti finanziatori

Gerda Henkel Stiftung – Research Projects

The grants for research projects involve, depending on the type of project, the assumption of costs for personnel, travel, materials and/or other costs. For projects that are conducted by one scholar alone, a research scholarship has to be applied for. Fields in which the projects can be submitted: Archeology History of Art Historical Islamic Studies […]

Gerda Henkel Stiftung – Research Projects Leggi tutto »

Mazak Foundation – Research Development grant

The Mazak Foundation offers Research Development Grants. The following categories are subjects of grants: Research and development Research of technical applications Study of technical trends Technical exchanges between countries Research Development Assistance Grants: ¥500,000~¥2,000,000 (each). Application Procedure: fill in the appropriate information in the Mazak Foundation application form and submit the application with a letter

Mazak Foundation – Research Development grant Leggi tutto »

Partnership for Clean Competition – Fellowship Program

Il programma di fellowship prevede due diversi percorsi: Laboratory Track: rivolto ai candidati che desiderano intraprendere una carriera all’interno di un laboratorio antidoping Research Track: rivolto a candidati che desiderano contribuire a un progetto di ricerca antidoping di alta qualità all’interno di un ente accademico (laboratorio non WADA). Le fellowship sono rivolte a ricercatori in possesso di un

Partnership for Clean Competition – Fellowship Program Leggi tutto »

Osteology Foundation – Large Clinical Grants

Il programma finanzia gruppi di ricerca con una comprovata esperienza nel campo della ricerca clinica nel settore della rigenerazione dei tessuti orale e maxillofacciale. I progetti devono avere una durata di massimo tre anni e la fondazione contribuisce con un finanziamento complessivo fino a CHF 350.000. I progetti prevedono una presentazione e una valutazione in due

Osteology Foundation – Large Clinical Grants Leggi tutto »

Bright focus

Bright Focus Foundation: National Glaucoma Research Program

Since the National Glaucoma Research (NGR) program began in 1978, BrightFocus has awarded  nearly $35 million to support research projects on the causes and potential prevention and treatment of this disease. NGR is currently supporting 42 biomedical research projects. The National Glaucoma Research Program offers two types of awards: Standard Awards The standard award provides

Bright Focus Foundation: National Glaucoma Research Program Leggi tutto »

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society – Academic Clinical Trials Program

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) recognizes the scientific and clinical merit of research developed and conducted by independent investigators affiliated with academic institutions. Such investigator-initiated trials (IITs) play an important role in developing experimental agents to address unmet medical needs, expanding the use of approved therapeutics, and improving the use of novel treatment regimens

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society – Academic Clinical Trials Program Leggi tutto »

Italia – Svezia, aperto il bando MAECI per la cooperazione scientifica e tecnologica

Nel quadro dell’Accordo sulla cooperazione culturale, educativa, scientifica e tecnologica tra la Repubblica Italiana e il Regno di Svezia, firmato a Roma il 29 novembre 2001 ed entrato in vigore in vigore dal 23 gennaio 2007, la Direzione Generale per la Promozione del Sistema Paese – Ufficio IX – del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e

Italia – Svezia, aperto il bando MAECI per la cooperazione scientifica e tecnologica Leggi tutto »

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society – Translational research programme

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society invites letters of intent for its translational research programme awards. These support new and innovative research that shows high promise for translating basic biomedical knowledge to clinical application with the aim of finding better treatment and cures for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Proposals should be based on molecular, cellular or

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society – Translational research programme Leggi tutto »

Premio Rita Levi Montalcini per la cooperazione scientifica tra Italia e Israele

Il MAECI e la Fondazione CRUI, d’intesa con il MIUR, promuovono un avviso rivolto a università ed enti di ricerca italiani, per la selezione di un progetto di cooperazione scientifica tra Italia e Israele, che preveda il soggiorno di almeno 4 mesi di uno studioso israeliano di elevato prestigio internazionale presso l’ente italiano proponente. L’entità del

Premio Rita Levi Montalcini per la cooperazione scientifica tra Italia e Israele Leggi tutto »

European University Institute

EUI – Max Weber Fellowship

Max Weber fellowships are designed for junior post-docs who would like to pursue an academic career, concentrate on their own research and enhance their academic practice in a multidisciplinary environment. Max Weber Fellowships are open to candidates who have received a doctorate in the social sciences (economics, law, political science, sociology, history and related fields) within

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