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James prize in science and technology integration

The National Academies invites applications for the James prize in science and technology integration. This recognises contributions made by researchers who are able to adopt or adapt information or techniques from outside their fields, and thus integrate knowledge from two or more disciplines to solve a major contemporary challenge not addressable from a single disciplinary […]

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Library of Congress – Kluge Fellowships in Digital Studies

The Kluge Fellowship in Digital Studies provides an opportunity for scholars to utilize digital methods, the Library’s large and varied digital collections and resources, curatorial expertise, and an emerging community of digital scholarship practitioners. Interdisciplinary and cross-cultural research is particularly welcome in the Kluge Digital Studies program. The fellowship is open to scholars from all

Library of Congress – Kluge Fellowships in Digital Studies Leggi tutto »

ASME logo

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers-Freeman Scholar Award

The Freeman Scholar Award Program is awarded annually. A person of significant expertise in fluids engineering is selected as the Freeman Scholar by the Freeman Scholar Award Committee and the Committee on Honors. Freeman Scholars are expected to review a coherent topic in their specialty, write a review article for the Journal of Fluids Engineering and present

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers-Freeman Scholar Award Leggi tutto »

Lupus Research Alliance – Global Team Science Award

The Global Team Science Award ($3 million over 3 years)  supports interdisciplinary, collaborative, and highly synergistic projects that push the boundaries of innovation and bridge research and clinical efforts in lupus. The successful Teams will focus on unraveling human lupus heterogeneity by applying cutting-edge technologies to address critical questions that could bring about breakthroughs in lupus care, research or drug development. The 2024 Request for

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The Matsumae International Foundation – Research Fellowship Program

La Matsumae International Foundation (MIF) è un’organizzazione non governativa giapponese che offre, attraverso il “Research Fellowship Program” borse di ricerca, con l’intento di promuovere la cooperazione internazionale invitando nel proprio Paese giovani ricercatori stranieri, per condurre attività di ricerca presso università, laboratori e istituti di ricerca in Giappone (strutture di ricerca pubbliche o private) in

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Japan Society for the Promotion of Science – Short term fellowship

The program provides PhD students or PhD researchers in the Europe and North America with opportunities to conduct collaborative research under the guidance of their hosts in universities and other Japanese institutions for a relatively short period of time (1-12 mesi). A person who has never engaged in research at universities etc. in Japan would

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science – Short term fellowship Leggi tutto »

Armenise Harvard Airalzh Mid-Career Award

The Giovanni Armenise Harvard Foundation and Airalzh offer one Armenise-Harvard Airalzh Mid-Career Award in Neurodegenerative Diseases (“AHA-MCA”) of $100,000 USD per year, for two years, to support  basic research projects in the field of neurodegenerative diseases. The Armenise Harvard Foundation and Airalzh share the common goal to support a category of basic scientists, i.e. the Mid-Career researchers, who are

Armenise Harvard Airalzh Mid-Career Award Leggi tutto »

american physical society

James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials

The Prize is aimed to recognize and encourage outstanding achievement in the science and application of new materials. This shall include the discovery of new classes of materials, the observation of novel phenomena in known materials leading to both fundamentally new applications and scientific insights, and shall also include theoretical and experimental work contributing significantly

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Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation – Program to Accelerate Clinical Trials (PACT)

The PACT RFP supports IND-enabling studies and early-phase clinical trials that test promising pharmacological interventions and devices for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related dementias. Both disease-modifying and symptomatic agents will be considered. This funding opportunity prioritizes diverse drug mechanisms and modes of action related to the biology of aging and other emerging therapeutic areas for

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