
European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation – grants

The European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation invites applications for different grants: N-ECCO research grant: this enables inflammatory bowel disease nurses to participate in international research projects across Europe. The aim is to engage nurses who are less experienced in research to conduct more research and be mentored by senior researchers. The PI must be an […]

European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation – grants Leggi tutto »

Consultazione pubblica AI Green Deal

Aperte le candidature al bando “Social innovations for a fair green and digital transition”

È stato lanciato, sul portale Funding & Tenders, il bando “Social innovations for a fair green and digital transition” nell’ambito del programma Fondo Sociale Europeo Plus. Il bando mira a sviluppare e testare approcci di innovazione sociale integrati e inclusivi – nelle scuole o nei centri di formazione, nell’economia sociale, sul posto di lavoro o nelle comunità locali, o in

Aperte le candidature al bando “Social innovations for a fair green and digital transition” Leggi tutto »

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation – Biological basis for cystic fibrosis-related diabetes programme

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation invites applications for its Biological basis for cystic fibrosis-related diabetes programme. This supports basic research projects that will improve the understanding of the biological basis for the development and progression of cystic fibrosis-related diabetes as well as to identify potential novel therapeutic strategies to manage and treat the disease. US residents

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation – Biological basis for cystic fibrosis-related diabetes programme Leggi tutto »

Department of Defense – Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Research Program

The US Department of Defense, under the Duchenne muscular dystrophy research programme, invites pre-applications for its idea development award. This supports the development of high-risk, high-reward research that will accelerate progress in improving outcomes for individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Research must address opportunities and challenges in the development of safe and effective macromolecular

Department of Defense – Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Research Program Leggi tutto »

Lupus Research Alliance – Global team science award

The Lupus Research Alliance invites letters of intent for its global team science award. This supports projects that bridge research and clinical efforts in lupus. Projects should focus on unraveling human lupus heterogeneity by applying cutting-edge technologies to address critical questions that could bring about breakthroughs in lupus care, research or drug development. Applicants must

Lupus Research Alliance – Global team science award Leggi tutto »

Al-Sumait Prize

The objective of the prize is the recognition and appreciation of the best studies, scientific projects, applied research and innovation that have made a significant and lasting influence in advancing progress to economic and social development on the continent of Africa. The awarded projects should help African nations overcome poverty, hunger, lack of potable water,

Al-Sumait Prize Leggi tutto »

European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition – Networking project grants

The European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition invites proposals for its networking project grants. These enable members to undertake research activities and network among centres at an international level. Activities may include interactive educational events and clinical networks. Proposals relevant to the society’s activities, such as the validation of guidelines, or clinical networks

European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition – Networking project grants Leggi tutto »

Next Generation Internet: nuovo bando NGI0 Entrust per l’affidabilità e la sovranità dei dati

Il Consorzio NGI0 Entrust lancia un bando dal valore di 9,6 milioni di euro per progetti di ricerca e sviluppo di piccole e medie dimensioni a favore di tecnologie che favoriscano l’affidabilità e la sovranità dei dati nel campo dell’Internet di prossima generazione. In particolare, il bando mira a sovvenzionare ricercatori indipendenti nel periodo compreso tra il 1° agosto 2022 e il 31 luglio 2025,

Next Generation Internet: nuovo bando NGI0 Entrust per l’affidabilità e la sovranità dei dati Leggi tutto »

Impresa Sociale con i Bambini

Impresa Sociale Con I Bambini – Bando “Tutti Inclusi”

Con il bando “Tutti inclusi! Interventi sperimentali per favorire l’inclusione sociale dei minori con disabilità e bisogni educativi speciali in condizioni di povertà educativa”, Con i Bambini invita gli enti di terzo settore a presentare proposte “esemplari” per promuovere processi di inclusione sociale per minori con disabilità in condizioni di povertà educativa tra 0 e

Impresa Sociale Con I Bambini – Bando “Tutti Inclusi” Leggi tutto »

Il CINEA cerca esperti per partecipare all’iniziativa “Green Assist”

L’Agenzia esecutiva europea per il clima, le infrastrutture e l’ambiente (CINEA), in vista del lancio dell’iniziativa “Green Assist” (Green Advisory Service for Sustainable Investments Support: GREEN ASSIST), invita gli esperti a manifestare il proprio interesse a iscriversi a un apposito elenco. Gli esperti saranno mobilitati per rispondere alle richieste di servizi di consulenza in materia di investimenti ecologici provenienti da promotori di progetti

Il CINEA cerca esperti per partecipare all’iniziativa “Green Assist” Leggi tutto »

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