

American Academy of Otolaryngology – research career development award

The American Academy of Otolaryngology, in partnership with the American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology, invites applications for its career development award. This supports the research career development of otolaryngologists who focus on paediatric laryngology. Applicants must hold full-time medical school faculty appointments or equivalent at a non-profit organisation. If the applicant, department chairman or at […]

American Academy of Otolaryngology – research career development award Leggi tutto »

Oxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation – Research grants

The Oxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation invites applications for its research grants. These support research that will lead to new diagnostics, treatments and a cure for primary hyperoxaluria and related hyperoxaluria conditions. Applicants must hold a MD, PhD or equivalent by the start of the funding period and have an appointment at an academic institution. Each

Oxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation – Research grants Leggi tutto »

MDA Venture Philanthropy – Development Grants

I Development Grants sono rivolti a ricercatori postdottorato senior in procinto di diventare ricercatori indipendenti, e vogliono essere un supporto economico iniziale per aiutare a lanciare programmi scientifici di promettenti ricercatori nell’ambito delle malattie neuromuscolari. I finanziamenti hanno un ammontare di massimo US$ 70.000 per ogni anno di progetto (massimo tre). Scadenza per la presentazione delle proposte: 1

MDA Venture Philanthropy – Development Grants Leggi tutto »

Osteology Foundation – Advanced Researcher Grant

The Osteology Foundation intends to promote applied research so that new developments and treatment concepts can be made available at practice level more quickly and backed by sufficient testing. For this reason, the Osteology Foundation gives financial support of scientific projects in the field of hard and soft tissue regeneration in oral and maxillofacial surgery

Osteology Foundation – Advanced Researcher Grant Leggi tutto »

European Society for Cardiology

European Society for Cardiology – Basic Research Fellowship

The ESC Basic Research Fellowship is designed to allow a researcher  (not older than 35 years at the time of the application deadline) to spend one year in a European research laboratory (different from their current laboratory). It is open to basic scientists as well as clinical scientists and preferentially seeks to award support for preclinical research

European Society for Cardiology – Basic Research Fellowship Leggi tutto »

Nuovo-Soldati Foundation for Cancer research – Fellowships

The Nuovo-Soldati Foundation for Cancer Research invites applications for its fellowships. These support young doctors in pursuing a research project on cancer cells with the main aim being to support innovative techniques or novel therapeutic approaches. Medically qualified candidates or medical students at the end of their training who work in specialities such as pathology,

Nuovo-Soldati Foundation for Cancer research – Fellowships Leggi tutto »


Bayer Hemophilia Awards Program

The Bayer Hemophilia Awards Program supports basic and clinical research and education in hemophilia. Through grants provided to early career investigators, fellows in training, and other hemophilia care professionals, the program seeks to support the next steps for the next generation of care and treatment options for people with hemophilia worldwide. Awards available: Basic Research Award: this

Bayer Hemophilia Awards Program Leggi tutto »

MDA Venture Philanthropy – Research Grants

Discovery research includes the search for understanding the causes of disease, unraveling pathways involved in disease, identifying novel drug targets, and testing new strategies to treat disease. The goal for discovery research is to form a solid foundation that informs and accelerates all subsequent drug development. Since each rare disease poses unique challenges to therapy

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MDA Venture Philanthropy – Conference grants

I Conference Grants sono volti a supportare: Conferenze di ricerca incentrate sulla biologia della malattia e/o sullo sviluppo di terapie direttamente correlate a una malattia nel programma della MDA Riunioni che promuovono la collaborazione tra diverse malattie Simposi con focus su nuove tecniche o strategie terapeutiche che potrebbero essere utili a chi si occupa di

MDA Venture Philanthropy – Conference grants Leggi tutto »

International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) – Senior Visiting Scientist Award

Il finanziamento per il Senior Visiting Scientist Award è rivolto a ricercatori senior affermati e altamente qualificati con recenti pubblicazioni su riviste scientifiche internazionali, per trascorrere un periodo da sei mesi a un anno presso l’IARC, lavorando in un progetto di ricerca collaborativo in una delle aree di ricerca correlate all’attività dell’Agenzia. I candidati devono essere

International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) – Senior Visiting Scientist Award Leggi tutto »

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