
Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience

The Swartz Prize, supported by the Swartz Foundation, honors an individual whose activities have produced a significant cumulative contribution to theoretical models or computational methods in neuroscience or who has made a particularly noteworthy recent advance in theoretical or computational neuroscience. Recipients receive a $30,000 prize and complimentary registration, transportation (economy air or ground), and […]

Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Leggi tutto »

Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA) – Keith Michael Andrus Memorial Award

FARA accepts LOIs focusing on advancing understanding and/or treatment of the cardiac involvement in FA. The deadline for the LOI is January 15. For those invited to submit a full application, the deadline for submission is March 1. On the Main Grant Page, put “KMA Award” in the “Grant Type” field. The applicant may request a budget

Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA) – Keith Michael Andrus Memorial Award Leggi tutto »

Parkinson’s Foundation – Institutional movement disorder fellowship – research centres of excellence

The Parkinson’s Foundation, under its institutional movement disorder fellowship programme, invites applications for its research centres of excellence funding opportunity. This supports innovative team science at institutions working on a thematic area of Parkinson’s disease. Proposals must tackle critical issues or problems that are impeding progress in the field of Parkinson’s disease research. Preference will

Parkinson’s Foundation – Institutional movement disorder fellowship – research centres of excellence Leggi tutto »

Malattie mentali: nuovo bando per rafforzare la collaborazione europea

È aperta la Call for Clusters promossa dal consorzio EBRA – European Brain Research Area, finanziato dal programma Horizon 2020, con l’obiettivo di sostenere la cooperazione e lo scambio tra progetti e network di ricerca dedicati allo studio del cervello e dei suoi disturbi e di favorire lo sviluppo di cluster in tutti i settori di quest’area di studio. Il bando ha quindi

Malattie mentali: nuovo bando per rafforzare la collaborazione europea Leggi tutto »

Human Brain Project: pubblicati quattro bandi dedicati alle infrastrutture di ricerca

Nell’ambito dello Human Brain Project sono aperte quattro call per manifestazioni di interesse per progetti che contribuiscano allo sviluppo delle infrastrutture di ricerca che il progetto sta portando avanti nel campo delle neuroscienze, della medicina e del computing, con il finanziamento del programma Horizon 2020. I progetti selezionati contribuiranno allo sviluppo dell’infrastruttura di ricerca EBRAINS e all’espansione del suo ambito di

Human Brain Project: pubblicati quattro bandi dedicati alle infrastrutture di ricerca Leggi tutto »

Lanciato l’Excellent Paper in Neuroscience Award 2019

I partner dell’ERA-NET NEURON (Network of European Funding for Neuroscience Research) hanno lanciato l’edizione 2019 del premio Excellent Paper in Neuroscience. Il riconoscimento vuole premiare le pubblicazioni scientifiche più notevoli e importanti di giovani ricercatori (under 35) nel campo delle neuroscienze. I primi autori di pubblicazioni pubblicate tra il 1° gennaio 2018 e al 31 dicembre 2018 potranno inviare la

Lanciato l’Excellent Paper in Neuroscience Award 2019 Leggi tutto »

Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience

The Swartz Prize, supported by the Swartz Foundation, honors an individual whose activities have produced a significant cumulative contribution to theoretical models or computational methods in neuroscience or who has made a particularly noteworthy recent advance in theoretical or computational neuroscience. Recipients receive a $25,000 prize and complimentary registration, transportation (economy air or ground), and

Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Leggi tutto »

Daiichi Sankyo – TaNeDS (Take a New Challenge for Drug diScovery)

TaNeDS (Take a New Challenge for Drug diScovery) is Daiichi Sankyo’s open competition grant program. The goal of this program is to generate breakthrough pharmaceutical drugs for human health by promoting new drug discovery themes, R&D technologies, and continuous collaboration with external researchers and research groups. In 2019, this program will cover the European area

Daiichi Sankyo – TaNeDS (Take a New Challenge for Drug diScovery) Leggi tutto »

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