malattie neurodegenerative

IMI Project Opens Up Neurodegenerative Disease Research

The European Platform for Neurodegenerative Diseases (EPND), funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), aims to address the challenge of scattered biomarker samples and research data on neurodegenerative diseases across multiple laboratories and countries. Its primary goal is to establish a centralised platform that enhances collaboration and information sharing among researchers. EPND has launched the […]

IMI Project Opens Up Neurodegenerative Disease Research Leggi tutto »

Armenise Harvard Airalzh Mid-Career Award

The Giovanni Armenise Harvard Foundation and Airalzh offer one Armenise-Harvard Airalzh Mid-Career Award in Neurodegenerative Diseases (“AHA-MCA”) of $100,000 USD per year, for two years, to support  basic research projects in the field of neurodegenerative diseases. The Armenise Harvard Foundation and Airalzh share the common goal to support a category of basic scientists, i.e. the Mid-Career researchers, who are

Armenise Harvard Airalzh Mid-Career Award Leggi tutto »

Pubblicato nuovo bando transnazionale per la ricerca di farmaci-bersaglio nelle malattie neurodegenerative

L’iniziativa EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) ha lanciato un bando transnazionale per l’analisi su larga scala dei dati OMICS per la ricerca di farmaci-bersaglio nelle malattie neurodegenerative. Le malattie neurodegenerative sono condizioni debilitanti e in gran parte non curabili, fortemente legate all’età. I trattamenti esistenti per le malattie neurodegenerative sono limitati e riguardano principalmente i sintomi piuttosto

Pubblicato nuovo bando transnazionale per la ricerca di farmaci-bersaglio nelle malattie neurodegenerative Leggi tutto »


ERA-NET NEURON: call for proposal “Neurodevelopmental Disorders”

E’ stata lanciata la Call NEURON Joint Transnational NEURON_ JTC2021, che mira a facilitare i progetti di ricerca multinazionali e collaborativi che affrontano le questioni relative alle malattie dello sviluppo neurologico. Per affrontare questo argomento, NEURON mira a coordinare gli sforzi di ricerca e i programmi di finanziamento in tutta Europa e oltre per promuovere

ERA-NET NEURON: call for proposal “Neurodevelopmental Disorders” Leggi tutto »

Preannucio: JPND neurodegenerative diseases nuovo bando a gennaio 2021

La JPI Neurodegenerative Diseases ha annunciato l’apertura a breve di un nuovo bando per progetti di ricerca dedicati alle malattie neurodegenerative dal titolo “Linking pre-diagnosis disturbances of physiological systems to Neurodegenerative Diseases”. Il bando è atteso ainizio gennaio 2021 e sarà volto a promuovere la ricerca sull’identificazione, la misurazione e la comprensione di indicatori precoci delle malattie neurodegenerative, con un potenziale di sviluppo di nuove diagnostiche o interventi. Le proposte

Preannucio: JPND neurodegenerative diseases nuovo bando a gennaio 2021 Leggi tutto »

Alzheimer’s Research UK – Network Cooperation

The lead applicant and point of contact must be a member of the Alzheimer’s Research UK Network. A Network cooperation application must include two or more Alzheimer’s Research UK Network Centres. It can also include researchers or institutions outside the UK. The Lead Applicant is expected to have a contract (fixed term or tenure) which covers the

Alzheimer’s Research UK – Network Cooperation Leggi tutto »

Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA) – Keith Michael Andrus Memorial Award

FARA accepts LOIs focusing on advancing understanding and/or treatment of the cardiac involvement in FA. The deadline for the LOI is January 15. For those invited to submit a full application, the deadline for submission is March 1. On the Main Grant Page, put “KMA Award” in the “Grant Type” field. The applicant may request a budget

Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA) – Keith Michael Andrus Memorial Award Leggi tutto »

Alzheimer’s Research UK – Global Clinical Trials Fund

The Global Clinical Trials Fund covers: Studies that aim to demonstrate target engagement, Phase I or Phase II clinical trials undertaken to ascertain the potential safety and efficacy of (novel or re-purposed) drug-based interventions in human subjects Clinical trials of non-drug based, complex interventions Opportunities for research ‘add ons’ to ongoing clinical trials (e.g. validated

Alzheimer’s Research UK – Global Clinical Trials Fund Leggi tutto »

Malattie neurodegenerative: pubblicata la nuova Research and Innovation Strategy del Joint Programme Neurodegenerative Disease Research

Il Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) ha pubblicato la versione aggiornata della propria Research and Innovation Strategy (RIS). La pubblicazione della RIS riassume la visione dei 30 Stati membri JNPD e rinnova la proposta pubblicata nel 2012, al fine di  fornire un quadro comune per il sostegno alla ricerca relativa alle malattie neurodegenerative. In particolare il JPND ha

Malattie neurodegenerative: pubblicata la nuova Research and Innovation Strategy del Joint Programme Neurodegenerative Disease Research Leggi tutto »

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