
Marie Sklodowska-Curie: Online the report “Driving innovation, supporting researchers’ mobility and cultivating excellence in doctoral and post-graduate training: facts & figures”

The report “Driving innovation, supporting researchers in mobility and cultivating excellence in doctoral and post-graduate training: facts & figures” was recently published, summarizing the main activities carried out under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions and the results achieved. The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) are part of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. They support researchers […]

Marie Sklodowska-Curie: Online the report “Driving innovation, supporting researchers’ mobility and cultivating excellence in doctoral and post-graduate training: facts & figures” Leggi tutto »


Funding for research and innovation according to new Commissioner Mariya Gabriel

At the confirmation talks in front of the European Parliament, the new Commissioner for research and innovation Mariya Gabriel committed herself to supporting new tools during her assignment in order to bridge the gap in research performance between more and less wealthy countries in the ‘European Union. Gabriel said she wanted to review some European

Funding for research and innovation according to new Commissioner Mariya Gabriel Leggi tutto »

mobilità sostenibile

JPI Urban Europe: online consultation on the topics of the next callJPI Urban Europe: online consultation on the topics of the next call

The JPI Urban Europe has opened an online consultation to gather suggestions and opinions in preparation for the next call for projects for Research, Development and Innovation concerning urban mobility and accessibility. Together with the European Commission, in fact, 21 research and innovation funding bodies (mainly members of the JPI Urban Europe) have decided to

JPI Urban Europe: online consultation on the topics of the next callJPI Urban Europe: online consultation on the topics of the next call Leggi tutto »

New international cooperation agreement between the University of Brescia and the Universidad Estadual Paulista “Julio de Mesquita Filho” (Brazil)

With Rector’s Decree n. 782 of 30 September 2019 a new international cooperation agreement was approved between our University and the Universidad Estadual Paulista “Julio de Mesquita Filho” UNESP based in Sao Paolo (Brazil) presented by Prof. Paolo Ferrari, a member of the Department of Information Engineering. The Universidad Estadual Paulista “Julio de Mesquita Filho”

New international cooperation agreement between the University of Brescia and the Universidad Estadual Paulista “Julio de Mesquita Filho” (Brazil) Leggi tutto »


The report “Horizon Europe: Brief interim report on the web-based consultation” is available online

The European Commission has recently opened the public consultation dedicated to the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan. The consultation is based on a document containing the first orientations towards the first strategic plan (Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan implementing the research and innovation framework program Horizon Europe) and is part of a process initiated by

The report “Horizon Europe: Brief interim report on the web-based consultation” is available online Leggi tutto »


Towards the definition of the new Model Grant Agreement – APRE – Members document

APRE – Members published a document on Horizon Europe implementation strategy, with a particular focus on MGA. APRE analysis of Horizon Europe Implementation Strategy is the result of the work carried out by APRE, with the active involvement of its Members, in order to contribute to the ongoing debate on the future implementation of Horizon

Towards the definition of the new Model Grant Agreement – APRE – Members document Leggi tutto »


Horizon Europe: delays in negotiations for the accession of non-EU countries

Negotiations for the accession of non-EU countries to the Horizon Europe research and innovation program are unlikely to take off before next year. They can only be started after an agreement is reached for the European legislation of HorizonEU, which proposes a budget of € 94.1 billion. Some analysts suggest that the agreement, at best,

Horizon Europe: delays in negotiations for the accession of non-EU countries Leggi tutto »


Horizon Europe: Member States propose new research partnerships

Member States are discussing 9 new proposals for research partnerships for the future Horizon Europe program and include topics such as antibiotic resistance, smart cities, shipping and forests. These proposals come from the states themselves and not from the European Commission, and would join the 44 partnerships advocated by the latter last May. The proposals

Horizon Europe: Member States propose new research partnerships Leggi tutto »


GIURI: Appeal on the Horizon Europe budget

In view of the determination of the European Union financial framework for the new Horizon Europe Framework Program for Research and Innovation, as part of the negotiation on the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework, a vast representation of the Italian sector system has agreed, within GIURI (Informal Group of Italian Representative Offices for Research and Innovation

GIURI: Appeal on the Horizon Europe budget Leggi tutto »

Apple thanks prof. Gringoli for his contribution to the security of iOS 13

Professors Francesco Gringoli of DII and Jiska Classen of TUD have discovered security flaws to Broadcom wireless chipsets, which have been used by Apple for many years. A responsible disclosure was therefore practiced before making the flaw public, so as to give Apple (and other manufacturers) the time necessary to remedy (where possible) the problem

Apple thanks prof. Gringoli for his contribution to the security of iOS 13 Leggi tutto »