Enti finanziatori

Al via la Call straordinaria di IMI2 su Coronavirus COVID-19 con scadenza 31 marzo

E’ stata pubblicato il nuovo bando straordinario della Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) dedicato al Coronavirus (COVID-19)  dal titolo”Development of therapeutics and diagnostics combatting coronavirus infections“. L’obiettivo della call è di identificare nuovi agenti terapeutici e di sistemi diagnostici precoci efficaci e affidabili. I progetti dovranno perseguire uno dei seguenti obiettivi: sviluppo di antivirali e di altri tipi di terapie per affrontare con una risposta […]

Al via la Call straordinaria di IMI2 su Coronavirus COVID-19 con scadenza 31 marzo Leggi tutto »

Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance – Bronya J. Keats Award for International Collaboration in Research on FA

FARA accepts LOIs focusing on FA research that relies on international collaboration among investigators in at least two different countries. Special consideration will be given to proposals that bring new scientists to the FA community. The rationale for the collaboration needs to be convincing and must clearly demonstrate that the research goals could not be

Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance – Bronya J. Keats Award for International Collaboration in Research on FA Leggi tutto »

National Multiple Sclerosis Society – Pilot research grants

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society invites applications for its pilot research grants. These support unique or innovative ideas with the potential to open new areas of research on multiple sclerosis. Projects with little or no preliminary data should apply. Proposals that address the following focus areas are particularly encouraged: •define the contribution of genetics, risk

National Multiple Sclerosis Society – Pilot research grants Leggi tutto »

Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance – Kyle Bryant Translational Research Award

FARA accepts LOIs for its Kyle Bryant Translational Research Award, focusing on pre-clinical and clinical investigations that will advance treatments for FA. The specific aims must target one or more of the following: Identification of biomarkers for FA that will elucidate disease variability, severity, and prognosis; facilitate drug screening, and/or optimize selection of patients and

Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance – Kyle Bryant Translational Research Award Leggi tutto »

Ekhagastiftelsen – call for proposals

La fondazione sostiene la ricerca e lo sviluppo sulla base dei principi della produzione di alimenti biologici e biodinamici o di altri metodi e orientamenti. La ricerca dovrebbe essere in linea con i principi IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements) della produzione biologica. La fondazione sostiene quindi la ricerca sul ruolo della dieta nel

Ekhagastiftelsen – call for proposals Leggi tutto »

Water JPI: Inquinamento acquatico: pubblicato un nuovo bando europeo

Al via il bando transnazionale AquaticPollutants, per progetti di ricerca e innovazione sui rischi per la salute umana e l’ambiente causati da inquinanti e patogeni presenti nelle risorse idriche. I progetti presentati dovranno tenere in considerazione l’intero ciclo di vita dell’acqua, dalla fonte attraverso i bacini idrografici fino ad estuari ed oceani. Le proposte dovranno essere multidisciplinari e riguardare almeno uno dei seguenti argomenti: Measuring –

Water JPI: Inquinamento acquatico: pubblicato un nuovo bando europeo Leggi tutto »

The cogito foundation – research grants

To study the gap between the Sciences and the Humanities as well as to bridge it, the cogito foundation funds research projects of a cross-disciplinary nature. Renowned researchers may submit a research project. The grantee is responsible for the selection of the personnel (graduate students, assistants, professionals). The project is embedded in an academic institution

The cogito foundation – research grants Leggi tutto »

american leprosy missions

American Leprosy Missions – Neglected tropical diseases innovation prize

American Leprosy Missions, in partnership with the Neglected Tropical Disease NGO Network and Novartis, invites abstracts for its neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) innovation prize. This aimst to identify and support innovators with creative ideas to solve some of the most challenging issues posed by NTDs across the globe. The overall goal is to encourage and

American Leprosy Missions – Neglected tropical diseases innovation prize Leggi tutto »

European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) – borse di ricerca

Lo European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) è un consorzio, composto da istituti di ricerca di 20 paesi europei, che promuove la ricerca in collaborazione tra la comunità scientifica e l’industria a livello europeo. Il consorzio offre diverse borse della durata di 12 mesi per soggiorni di ricerca da usufruire presso uno degli istituti ERCIM.

European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) – borse di ricerca Leggi tutto »

Velux Stiftung – Research Projects

The Foundation supports basic or applied research project of 1-4 years of duration for approx. CHF 50’000 – CHF 100’000/yr., higher amounts possible depending on project goals. Applicant must be a permanent employee of a university or other permanent research entity and the application has to establish why the Velux Stiftung is necessary for the funding. The funding

Velux Stiftung – Research Projects Leggi tutto »

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