Enti finanziatori

Cooperazione Italia-Azerbaigian: bando per progetti bilaterali di mobilità di ricercatori

L’Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze dell’Azerbaigian e la Direzione Generale per la promozione del Sistema Paese, Ufficio IX del MAECI, invitano a presentare proposte di progetti bilaterali di mobilità di ricercatori nei seguenti settori: Earth Sciences Medicine and bio-medicine Physics and Astrophysics Technology and Research applied to Cultural Heritage. Tramite il bando verranno finanziate solo le spese di mobilità dei ricercatori. Possono […]

Cooperazione Italia-Azerbaigian: bando per progetti bilaterali di mobilità di ricercatori Leggi tutto »


Horizon 2020 – bando Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: secure, clean and efficient energy

Il 7 maggio 2019 si sono ufficialmente aperti ulteriori 7 topic del bando Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy, con un budget complessivo pari a 114 milioni di euro. Di seguito i topic appena aperti per cui è possibile presentare proposte: LC-SC3-CC-1-2018-2019-2020: Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) aspects of the Clean-Energy Transition LC-SC3-NZE-4-2019: Integrated solutions for flexible operation of fossil

Horizon 2020 – bando Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: secure, clean and efficient energy Leggi tutto »


DAAD -Hochschuldialog mit Südeuropa

Il programma “Hochschuldialog mit Südeuropa” (“Dialogo tra le università tedesche e sudeuropee”) mira ad incentivare la cooperazione e il dialogo scientifico e socio-politico tra la Germania e i Paesi sudeuropei particolarmente colpiti dalla crisi economica – Italia, Spagna, Grecia, Portogallo, Cipro. Il programma intende sostenere l’organizzazione e la realizzazione di eventi, conferenze, attività formative per studenti, dottorandi

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Accelerating Drug Discovery for Frontotemporal Dementias

he Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) and The Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD) seek to accelerate and support drug discovery for FTD and related dementias through this Request for Proposals (RFP). Priority areas for this program include: Neuroprotection Inflammation Proteostasis Mitochondria & metabolic function Vascular function Epigenetics APOE Synaptic activity and neurotransmitters Other aging target

Accelerating Drug Discovery for Frontotemporal Dementias Leggi tutto »

Fundaciòn BBVA

Frontiers of knowledge awards

The BBVA Foundation invites nominations for its frontiers of knowledge awards. These recognise world-class research and artistic creation in areas of scientific knowledge, technology and humanities. Awards are available in eight categories: basic sciences, including physics, chemistry and mathematics; biology and biomedicine; ecology and conservation biology; information and communication technologies; economics, finance and management; music

Frontiers of knowledge awards Leggi tutto »


The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation seeks to protect natural resources, improve the production and distribution of food, and promote public health in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East.  The foundation helps build the capacity of organizations and coalitions with grants that support research or improve the learning and generation of local solutions to

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National Rosacea Society – Research Grant

The Society awards grants of $10,000 to $25,000 or higher in special cases for research on rosacea. Because the etiology of rosacea is unknown, high priority is given to research in such areas as the pathogenesis, progression, mechanism of action, cell biology and potential genetic factors of this conspicuous and often life-disruptive condition. Studies may

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