Osteology Foundation – Advanced Researcher Grant

The Osteology Foundation intends to promote applied research so that new developments and treatment concepts can be made available at practice level more quickly and backed by sufficient testing. For this reason, the Osteology Foundation gives financial support of scientific projects in the field of hard and soft tissue regeneration in oral and maxillofacial surgery […]

Osteology Foundation – Advanced Researcher Grant Leggi tutto »

European Society for Cardiology

European Society for Cardiology – Basic Research Fellowship

The ESC Basic Research Fellowship is designed to allow a researcher  (not older than 35 years at the time of the application deadline) to spend one year in a European research laboratory (different from their current laboratory). It is open to basic scientists as well as clinical scientists and preferentially seeks to award support for preclinical research

European Society for Cardiology – Basic Research Fellowship Leggi tutto »

Nuovo-Soldati Foundation for Cancer research – Fellowships

The Nuovo-Soldati Foundation for Cancer Research invites applications for its fellowships. These support young doctors in pursuing a research project on cancer cells with the main aim being to support innovative techniques or novel therapeutic approaches. Medically qualified candidates or medical students at the end of their training who work in specialities such as pathology,

Nuovo-Soldati Foundation for Cancer research – Fellowships Leggi tutto »


Bayer Hemophilia Awards Program

The Bayer Hemophilia Awards Program supports basic and clinical research and education in hemophilia. Through grants provided to early career investigators, fellows in training, and other hemophilia care professionals, the program seeks to support the next steps for the next generation of care and treatment options for people with hemophilia worldwide. Awards available: Basic Research Award: this

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Borse di studio della Repubblica Slovacca per studenti, ricercatori e docenti

Il  Ministero dell’istruzione, delle scienze, della ricerca della Repubblica slovacca ha pubblicato un invito a presentare candidature nell’ambito del programma nazionale di borse di studio per soggiorni di studio, ricerca e insegnamento durante il semestre estivo dell’anno accademico 2019/2020. La scadenza per la domanda di borsa di studio è il 31 ottobre 2019 alle 16:00

Borse di studio della Repubblica Slovacca per studenti, ricercatori e docenti Leggi tutto »


Horizon 2020: bando Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks 2020

Si è aperto ufficialmente il bando 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN). Le Innovative Training Networks (ITN) mirano a formare una nuova generazione di ricercatori early-stage creativi, imprenditoriali e innovativi, in grado di affrontare sfide attuali e future e di convertire conoscenze e idee in prodotti e servizi. Le proposte di progetto ITN possono assumere una delle tre seguenti

Horizon 2020: bando Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks 2020 Leggi tutto »


Italia-Giappone: bando per progetti congiunti di ricerca

E’ stato recentemente pubblicato un Avviso per la raccolta di progetti congiunti di ricerca nell’ambito del Programma Esecutivo di Cooperazione Scientifica e Tecnologica tra Italia e Giappone per il periodo 2020-2022. Il bando invita a presentare proposte di progetti congiunti di Grande Rilevanza nei seguenti settori: AgriFood   New Technologies for Active and Healthy Ageing and Homecare Regenerative

Italia-Giappone: bando per progetti congiunti di ricerca Leggi tutto »

United European Gastroenterology (UEG)

United European Gastroenterology – Research fellowship

The United European Gastroenterology invites applications for its research fellowship. This enables a researcher to spend 12 months working with a renowned European principal investigator on an extensive research project. Candidates may carry out research they cannot do in their home institution and build their network and learn new research skills. Applicants must be clinical

United European Gastroenterology – Research fellowship Leggi tutto »

Cancer Research UK – Early Detection Project

Cancer Research UK invites applications for its early detection project award. This supports research projects that drive forward a transformational change in how and when early cancers and pre-cancerous states are detected. Projects should aim to identify cancer or pre-cancerous states at the earliest possible point at which intervention might be made. This may include study

Cancer Research UK – Early Detection Project Leggi tutto »

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