E’ ufficialmente possibile inviare candidature per partecipare ai bandi 2020 del Programma LIFE.
I topic relativi ai due sottoprogrammi Ambiente e Azione per il Clima sono i seguenti:
Sottoprogramma Ambiente:
- Environment and resource efficiency traditional projects
- Nature and biodiversity traditional projects
- Environmental governance and information traditional projects
- Integrated projects under the sub-programme for Environment
- Technical Assistance Projects under the sub-programme for Environment
Sottoprogramma Azione per il clima:
- Climate change mitigation traditional projects
- Climate change adaptation traditional projects
- Climate governance and information traditional projects
- Integrated projects under the sub-programme for Climate Action
- Technical Assistance Projects under the sub-programme for Climate Action
- : Environment and resource efficiency traditional projects: concept note
- 16 luglio 2020: Nature and biodiversity traditional projects: concept note
- : Environmental governance and information traditional projects: concept note
- 16 luglio 2020 : Technical Assistance Projects under the sub-programme for Environment
- 16 luglio 2020: Technical Assistance Projects under the sub-programme for Climate Action
- : Integrated projects under the sub-programme for Environment: concept note
- 6 ottobre 2020: Climate change mitigation traditional projects
- : Climate change adaptation traditional projects
- : Climate governance and information traditional projects
- 6 ottobre 2020: Integrated projects under the sub-programme for Climate Action: concept note
Per gli interessati, il 30 aprile 2020 si terrà il virtual Info e Networking Day relativo al nuovo bando LIFE.