
Eurospine – Task force research grants

Eurospine invites applications for its task force research grants. These support research projects in clinical and non-clinical studies related to spine disorders. The following grants are available: development grant, which aims to help taking a good idea to a feasible grant application by supporting the development of a pilot study, worth up to €10,000; pilot […]

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IBSA Foundation – Borse di ricerca call 2020

L’ottava edizione introduce una novità importante: la Fondazione ha infatti deciso di dedicare una borsa di studio al campo di ricerca delle infezioni da coronavirus. Fondazione IBSA assegna ogni anno 5 borse di studio, ciascuna dell’importo di € 30.000, a giovani ricercatori sotto i 40 anni di età, provenienti da Università e Istituti di qualsiasi parte del

IBSA Foundation – Borse di ricerca call 2020 Leggi tutto »


American Federation for aging research (AFAR) – Breakthroughs in Gerontology (BIG) Award

The “Breakthroughs in Gerontology (BIG)” initiative provides timely support to a small number of research projects which if successful offer significant promise of yielding transforming discoveries in the fundamental biology of aging. Projects which build on early discoveries that show translational potential for clinically relevant strategies, treatments and therapeutics, addressing human aging and health span

American Federation for aging research (AFAR) – Breakthroughs in Gerontology (BIG) Award Leggi tutto »


American Academy of Otolaryngology – research career development award

The American Academy of Otolaryngology, in partnership with the American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology, invites applications for its career development award. This supports the research career development of otolaryngologists who focus on paediatric laryngology. Otolaryngologists-head and neck surgeons who hold full-time medical school faculty appointments and who have made a commitment to focus their research

American Academy of Otolaryngology – research career development award Leggi tutto »

ERA PerMed

Medicina Personalizzata: a dicembre un nuovo bando per progetti di ricerca

l 14 dicembre 2020 verrà pubblicato il nuovo bando ERA PerMed per progetti di ricerca innovativi collaborativi sul tema Medicina Personalizzata. Con un budget complessivo previsto di 16 milioni di euro, il bando ha l’obiettivo di promuovere una collaborazione interdisciplinare innovativa ed incoraggiare proposte di ricerca trasnazionale. Le proposte dovranno essere interdisciplinari e dimostrare chiaramente il potenziale impatto della Medicina Personalizzata e il valore aggiunto della collaborazione transnazionale. Ogni proposta progettuale

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EFSD – European Research Programme on New Targets for Type 2 Diabetes

The EFSD European Research Programme on New Targets for Type 2 Diabetes is intended to stimulate and accelerate European research focusing on the identification and molecular understanding of new targets for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The programme is supported by an educational research grant from MSD. To achieve the goals and objectives of

EFSD – European Research Programme on New Targets for Type 2 Diabetes Leggi tutto »

National PKU Alliance – Scientific Grant Request 2020

The NPKUA has launched a new call for Scientific Grant Requests, in order to seek proposals that will help us meet the above strategic goals as well as to close existing gaps in the knowledge and science of PKU, and to further support existing PKU-related projects. Eligible applicants must have a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degrees

National PKU Alliance – Scientific Grant Request 2020 Leggi tutto »

Fondation Leducq – Transatlantic Network of Excellence 2020-2021

The Fondation Leducq 2020-2021 Transatlantic Networks of Excellence Program provides  $ 7.000,000 over five years to teams of researchers working collaboratively in the areas of cardiovascular and neurovascular disease. Applicants are encouraged to think innovatively and to propose bold new ideas. While the foundation will bear the risks inherent in innovative research, submitted proposals should not be

Fondation Leducq – Transatlantic Network of Excellence 2020-2021 Leggi tutto »


Chip e membrane biologiche: lo studio del Dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare e Traslazionale sulla copertina del Journal of Colloid and Interface Science

Biogenic supported lipid bilayers as a tool to investigate nano-bio interfaces, lo studio di un team di ricercatori del Dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare e Traslazionale (DMMT) coordinato dal prof. Paolo Bergese, conquista la copertina del numero di luglio di Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, una fra le più prestigiose riviste internazionali di chimica. Lo studio

Chip e membrane biologiche: lo studio del Dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare e Traslazionale sulla copertina del Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Leggi tutto »

Conquer Cancer Foundation – Career Development Award in Breast Cancer

The Career Development Award (CDA) in Breast Cancer provides research funding to clinical investigators, who have received their initial faculty appointment, as they work to establish an independent clinical breast cancer research program. This research must have a patient-oriented focus, including a clinical research study and/or translational research involving human subjects. Proposals with a predominant

Conquer Cancer Foundation – Career Development Award in Breast Cancer Leggi tutto »

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