ricercatori esperti

European University Institute

EUI – Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowships

Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowships provide a framework for established academics with an international reputation to pursue their research at the European University Institute. Fellowships last for up to ten months in one of the EUI’s four Departments which in turn invite fellows to participate in departmental activities (seminars, workshops, colloquia, etc.). The monthly stipend is € 3,000. […]

EUI – Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowships Leggi tutto »

Osteology Foundation – Young and Advanced Researcher Grant

The Osteology Foundation intends to promote applied research so that new developments and treatment concepts can be made available at practice level more quickly and backed by sufficient testing. The Young Researcher Grants are intended for research proposals submitted by clinicians and researchers who want to address questions in the field of oral and maxillofacial tissue

Osteology Foundation – Young and Advanced Researcher Grant Leggi tutto »

European University Institute

EUI – Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowships

Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowships provide a framework for established academics with an international reputation to pursue their research at the European University Institute. Fellowships last for up to ten months in one of the EUI’s four Departments which in turn invite fellows to participate in departmental activities (seminars, workshops, colloquia, etc.). The monthly stipend is € 3,000.

EUI – Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowships Leggi tutto »

CERN – Scientific associates programme

CERN invites applications for its scientific associates programme. This enables established scientists to use CERN research facilities, to participate in its programmes covering experimental and theoretical particle physics, as well as various related activities in applied physics, electronics, computing and engineering. Applicants must remain employed at their home institute during their appointment. A monthly subsistence

CERN – Scientific associates programme Leggi tutto »


Horizon 2020: aperto il nuovo bando ERC 2020 Advanced Grants

Si è aperto ufficialmente il bando ERC Advanced Grants 2020, con un budget complessivo di 492 milioni di €. Le sovvenzioni “ERC Advanced Grants” permettono a ricercatori eccellenti e affermati di qualsiasi età e nazionalità di portare avanti progetti innovativi e ad alto rischio in grado di aprire nuove direzioni nei loro rispettivi campi di ricerca

Horizon 2020: aperto il nuovo bando ERC 2020 Advanced Grants Leggi tutto »


Wellcome – Senior Research Fellowships in Clinical Science

You can apply for a Senior Research Fellowship in Clinical Science if you’re a clinician scientist with a medical, dental, veterinary or clinical psychology qualification (accredited by the British Psychological Society). You must also have: a higher degree (PhD/MD) and at least four years of postdoctoral research experience a strong track record in your area of research

Wellcome – Senior Research Fellowships in Clinical Science Leggi tutto »


Raccolta di disponibilità a collaborare con un ricercatore nell’ambito delle Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowship (IF) del programma europeo Horizon 2020

In vista della pubblicazione da parte della Commissione Europea del bando relativo alle Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowship (IF) programmata per l’8 aprile p.v., il nostro Ateneo si propone come host institution per collaborare con ricercatori esperti che risulteranno eventualmente essere vincitori del bando sopra indicato. Le IF sono borse di ricerca individuali che mirano a sostenere la formazione alla

Raccolta di disponibilità a collaborare con un ricercatore nell’ambito delle Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowship (IF) del programma europeo Horizon 2020 Leggi tutto »


Wellcome – Senior Research Fellowships in Clinical Science

You can apply for a Senior Research Fellowship in Clinical Science if you’re a clinician scientist with a medical, dental, veterinary or clinical psychology qualification (accredited by the British Psychological Society). You must also have: a higher degree (PhD/MD) and at least four years of postdoctoral research experience a strong track record in your area of research

Wellcome – Senior Research Fellowships in Clinical Science Leggi tutto »

Alzheimer’s Research UK – Senior Research Fellowship

Il finanziamento delle Senior Research Fellowships è rivolto a ricercatori con elevata esperienza nel campo dello studio sulla demenza, ma che non siano ancora strutturati. Il candidato può essere di qualsiasi nazionalità, ma il supervisor deve essere strutturato presso un’università/ente di ricerca in UK. I candidati devono aver conseguito il titolo di dottorato da 3

Alzheimer’s Research UK – Senior Research Fellowship Leggi tutto »

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