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Alzheimer’s Research UK – Pilot Projects

The Pilot project scheme is meant for novel research ideas that if successful would lead to a Major project or programme application to Alzheimer’s Research UK or other funding body. The lead applicant and point of contact must be based in a UK academic/research institution. However, the application can include researchers or institutions outside the UK. […]

Alzheimer’s Research UK – Pilot Projects Leggi tutto »


James prize in science and technology integration

The National Academies invites applications for the James prize in science and technology integration. This recognises contributions made by researchers who are able to adopt or adapt information or techniques from outside their fields, and thus integrate knowledge from two or more disciplines to solve a major contemporary challenge not addressable from a single disciplinary

James prize in science and technology integration Leggi tutto »

International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology – Short-Term Postdoc Fellowships

I destinatari delle Short-term post-doctoral fellowships sono candidati con nazionalità di uno Stato Membro ICGEB, in possesso di un dottorato di ricerca nelle Scienze della vita o con almeno 3 anni di esperienza scientifica. E’ richiesto un certificato di conoscenza della lingua inglese. Le attività di ricerca dovranno svolgersi presso i laboratori dell’ICGEB situati in India

International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology – Short-Term Postdoc Fellowships Leggi tutto »

Library of Congress – Kluge Fellowships in Digital Studies

The Kluge Fellowship in Digital Studies provides an opportunity for scholars to utilize digital methods, the Library’s large and varied digital collections and resources, curatorial expertise, and an emerging community of digital scholarship practitioners. Interdisciplinary and cross-cultural research is particularly welcome in the Kluge Digital Studies program. The fellowship is open to scholars from all

Library of Congress – Kluge Fellowships in Digital Studies Leggi tutto »

Sicurezza idrica: annunciata la call 2023 di Water4All

Il partenariato europeo Water4all ha annunciato la call 2023 “Aquatic Ecosystem Services”. Il bando, cofinanziato nell’ambito di Horizon Europe, si aprirà dal 12 settembre e adotterà una valutazione a due step, con la scadenza per inviare le proposte preliminari prevista per il 13 novembre 2023. Le proposte che supereranno il primo step di valutazione avranno poi tempo fino al 29 aprile 2024 per presentare il

Sicurezza idrica: annunciata la call 2023 di Water4All Leggi tutto »

European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) and Lilly – European Diabetes Research Programme

The EFSD/Lilly Programme ims to promote increased European diabetes research and to raise public awareness and political understanding of the magnitude and burden of the disease. To achieve the goals and objectives of this Programme, EFSD and Lilly invite applications by issuing this “Request for Applications” (RFA). The EFSD/Lilly Programme will accept applications within any

European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) and Lilly – European Diabetes Research Programme Leggi tutto »

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The American Society of Mechanical Engineers-Freeman Scholar Award

The Freeman Scholar Award Program is awarded annually. A person of significant expertise in fluids engineering is selected as the Freeman Scholar by the Freeman Scholar Award Committee and the Committee on Honors. Freeman Scholars are expected to review a coherent topic in their specialty, write a review article for the Journal of Fluids Engineering and present

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers-Freeman Scholar Award Leggi tutto »

Fondo di Ricerca per il Carbone e l’Acciaio: pubblicato il nuovo bando

È stato pubblicato un nuovo bando nell’ambito Fondo di ricerca per il carbone e l’acciaio (RFCS), con scadenza fissata al 20 settembre 2023. Il bando presenta 6 distinti topic: RFCS-2023-01-AM Coal Accompanying Measures RFCS-2023-01-RPJ Coal Research Projects RFCS-2023-01-PDP Coal Pilot and Demonstration Projects RFCS-2023-02-AM Steel Accompanying Measures RFCS-2023-02-RPJ Steel Research Projects RFCS-2023-02-PDP Steel Pilot and Demonstration Projects Le proposte presentate nei topic riguardanti il carbone devono supportare

Fondo di Ricerca per il Carbone e l’Acciaio: pubblicato il nuovo bando Leggi tutto »

Lupus Research Alliance – Global Team Science Award

The Global Team Science Award ($3 million over 3 years)  supports interdisciplinary, collaborative, and highly synergistic projects that push the boundaries of innovation and bridge research and clinical efforts in lupus. The successful Teams will focus on unraveling human lupus heterogeneity by applying cutting-edge technologies to address critical questions that could bring about breakthroughs in lupus care, research or drug development. The 2024 Request for

Lupus Research Alliance – Global Team Science Award Leggi tutto »

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