

Wellcome – Senior Research Fellowships in Basic Biomedical Science

You can apply for a Senior Research Fellowship in Basic Biomedical Science if you have: Around seven to twelve years’ research experience at postdoctoral level, or the veterinary equivalent (from the date of your PhD to our final decision date). Or you’re an intermediate fellow (eg Research Career Development Fellow, Sir Henry Dale Fellow, Royal Society University Research […]

Wellcome – Senior Research Fellowships in Basic Biomedical Science Leggi tutto »

KKLF – Project Grants

Grants will be awarded for research on aspects of leukaemia and for relevant studies on related haematological malignancies. Requests for support for basic science programmes may be considered. Clinical trials will not be supported. Proposals which are closely related to the prevention, diagnosis, or therapy of leukaemia and related diseases are particularly encouraged. Grants are usually awarded

KKLF – Project Grants Leggi tutto »

NYSCF – Early career investigators for Innovator Awards

NYSCF is soliciting applications from early career investigators for Innovator Awards to be used for exploring the basic biology and translational potential of stem cells. The goal of this initiative is to foster bold and innovative scientists with the potential to transform the field of stem cell research, and advance understanding and use of stem

NYSCF – Early career investigators for Innovator Awards Leggi tutto »

Agilent Technologies – Early-career professor award in biotechnology

Agilent Technologies invites applications for its early-career professor award in biotechnology. This recognises early-career researchers for contributions in the field of biotechnology. The focus for the 2020 award is contributions to the development of breakthrough live cell analysis technologies for measuring cellular responses to chemical or pharmaceutical treatments and genetic manipulations, including those that could

Agilent Technologies – Early-career professor award in biotechnology Leggi tutto »

Lanciato il nuovo bando CHIST-ERA IV per progetti di ricerca transnazionali incentrati sulle ICT

E’ stato pubblicato il bando CHIST-ERA IV per progetti di ricerca transnazionali focalizzati sulle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione (Information and Communications Technology – ICT). In particolare il bando affronterà le seguenti aree tematiche: Explainable Machine Learning-based Artificial Intelligence Novel Computational Approaches for Environmental Sustainability. La call seguirà una valutazione a due fasi. La scadenza per inviare le proposte preliminari è fissata alle

Lanciato il nuovo bando CHIST-ERA IV per progetti di ricerca transnazionali incentrati sulle ICT Leggi tutto »


Pubblicati nuovi bandi Horizon 2020

Nel quadro di Horizon 2020 si sono aperti ufficialmente alcuni nuovi topic in diversi ambiti, tutti con scadenza al 21 aprile 2020: 6 topic della call Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: secure, clean and efficient energy relativa alla Sfida per la Società Energia sicura, pulita ed efficiente di Horizon 2020: LC-SC3-RES-1-2019-2020 (RIA): Developing the next generation of renewable energy technologies LC-SC3-RES-18-2020 (RIA-LS):

Pubblicati nuovi bandi Horizon 2020 Leggi tutto »

European Molecular Biology Organization – Long-Term Fellowships

Sono borse per visite di lunga durata (da 12 a 24 mesi) finalizzate ad approfondire la ricerca di alto livello nel settore della biologia molecolare. I candidati devono essere in possesso del dottorato di ricerca – o titolo equivalente – prima dell’inizio della borsa (ma non necessariamente al momento della domanda). Devono, inoltre, avere almeno una pubblicazione

European Molecular Biology Organization – Long-Term Fellowships Leggi tutto »


NATO – Science for Peace and Security Programme

La NATO attraverso il “Science for Peace and Security Programme” offre supporto per collaborazioni internazionali tra scienziati di diversi Paesi, allo scopo di contribuire alla sicurezza, stabilità e solidarietà tra le nazioni. In particolare, il Programma finanzia numerose azioni (ad esempio borse di mobilità, attività di insegnamento di alto livello, finanziamenti per progetti congiunti, ecc.)

NATO – Science for Peace and Security Programme Leggi tutto »

EFSD/Lilly Young Investigator Research Award Programme

The objective of the EFSD/Lilly Young Investigator Research Awards is to encourage innovative research in the fields of diabetes and its complications, and to promote excellence in medical education. Applicants should have demonstrated their ability in the field of diabetes research. Research Awards will be made in the sum of Euro 50,000 (fifty thousand) each.

EFSD/Lilly Young Investigator Research Award Programme Leggi tutto »

Fritz Thyssen Foundation – Support of Projects

Support of projects by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation focuses on scholars in the humanities, social science and biomedicine fields. The planned project should be limited in terms of the subject and time. An application can be filed in the following areas of support: History, Language & Culture The interdisciplinary field “Image and Imagery” State, Economy

Fritz Thyssen Foundation – Support of Projects Leggi tutto »

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