
American Academy of Sleep Medicine – Strategic Research Grant

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine invites letters of intent for its strategic research grant. This supports investigator-initiated and high-impact research projects aimed at addressing gaps in knowledge that impact the ability to provide optimal, patient-centered, cost-effective diagnosis and care for patients with sleep disorders. Deadline: 23 October 2023.

American Academy of Sleep Medicine – Strategic Research Grant Leggi tutto »

The Marfan Foundation – Innovator Awards

The Marfan Foundation invites applications for its innovators award. This supports an innovative concept that has applicability to improving human health. Special areas of interest are basic research, translational studies and clinical studies in signaling or biomechanics of aneurysm and dissection, bone growth, muscle function, pain, pulmonary and ophthalmologic pathology and other pertinent areas. Investigations

The Marfan Foundation – Innovator Awards Leggi tutto »

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society – Translational research programme

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society invites letters of intent for its translational research programme awards. These support new and innovative research that shows high promise for translating basic biomedical knowledge to clinical application with the aim of finding better treatment and cures for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Proposals should be based on molecular, cellular or

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society – Translational research programme Leggi tutto »

Joint Funding Call 2023: Repurposing therapies for EB

We are delighted to announce that DEBRA Austria and LifeArc, are partnering to commit £2.5 million to fund projects to repurpose therapeutics that can be brought rapidly to patients suffering from Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). Expressions-of-interest (EOI) are now being invited from research groups based at academic institutions or hospitals worldwide. There will be a priority

Joint Funding Call 2023: Repurposing therapies for EB Leggi tutto »

Cancer Research UK – Multidisciplinary Project Award

I Multidisciplinary Project Award sono premi che  vengono assegnati congiuntamente tra Principal Investigators che lavorano nel campo dell’ ingegneria/scienze fisiche e i PI che lavorano nel campo della ricerca sul cancro. Con un focus primario sulla ricerca multidisciplinare, i temi di ricerca all’interno di questo premio includono: L’applicazione diretta di concetti fisici, ingegneristici, chimici o

Cancer Research UK – Multidisciplinary Project Award Leggi tutto »

The Matsumae International Foundation – Research Fellowship Program

La Matsumae International Foundation (MIF) è un’organizzazione non governativa giapponese che offre, attraverso il “Research Fellowship Program” borse di ricerca, con l’intento di promuovere la cooperazione internazionale invitando nel proprio Paese giovani ricercatori stranieri, per condurre attività di ricerca presso università, laboratori e istituti di ricerca in Giappone (strutture di ricerca pubbliche o private) in

The Matsumae International Foundation – Research Fellowship Program Leggi tutto »

European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and the Elbow – Research Grant

The European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and the Elbow invites applications for its research grants. These support basic and clinical research related to shoulder and elbow pathologies. The aim is to foster projects that provide useful information and develop and provide methodological tools for the benefit of our society. Methodological and epidemiological projects

European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and the Elbow – Research Grant Leggi tutto »


Histiocytosis Association – Request for Research Proposals

Proposals for scientific research are accepted for studies into the causes, mechanisms, and improved means of treatment for histiocytic disorders. Proposals are evaluated on the basis of science, feasibility, and relevance. All proposals are expected to address one or more of the histiocytic disorders; below are areas of particular interest; however, all relevant areas of

Histiocytosis Association – Request for Research Proposals Leggi tutto »

Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation – Program to Accelerate Clinical Trials (PACT)

The PACT RFP supports IND-enabling studies and early-phase clinical trials that test promising pharmacological interventions and devices for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related dementias. Both disease-modifying and symptomatic agents will be considered. This funding opportunity prioritizes diverse drug mechanisms and modes of action related to the biology of aging and other emerging therapeutic areas for

Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation – Program to Accelerate Clinical Trials (PACT) Leggi tutto »


EU4Health: aperta una consultazione sulle priorità sanitarie dell’UE

La Commissione europea ha aperto una consultazione sulle priorità sanitarie attuali e future dell’Unione, sugli orientamenti strategici e sulle esigenze sanitarie che devono essere affrontate attraverso i futuri programmi di lavoro annuali EU4Health. Il programma EU4Health mira a costruire una solida Unione europea della salute sostenendo le priorità legislative e non legislative dell’Unione in materia di salute. Con un budget di 5,3 miliardi di

EU4Health: aperta una consultazione sulle priorità sanitarie dell’UE Leggi tutto »

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