
ERA PerMed

Medicina Personalizzata: aperto il quinto bando EraPerMed

È aperta la quinta call ERA PerMed, che mira a promuovere la ricerca finanziando progetti di ricerca innovativi e collaborativi incentrati sul tema della Medicina Personalizzata. In particolare, l’obiettivo del bando è lo sviluppo di strategie su misura per la prevenzione della malattia e della sua progressione, a tre diversi livelli: misure preventive che diminuiscano il tasso di incidenza (prevenzione primaria), […]

Medicina Personalizzata: aperto il quinto bando EraPerMed Leggi tutto »

Alzheimer’s Research UK – Major Projects

Il bando finanzia progetti di ricerca di eccellenza. Il Lead Applicant deve avere un contratto (anche a tempo determinato) presso un’università/ente di ricerca in UK. Ricercatori di enti non-UK possono far parte del gruppo di ricerca. Il progetto può avere una durata di massimo 5 anni. Il programma finanzia fino a 1M £ (pari a circa 1.3M

Alzheimer’s Research UK – Major Projects Leggi tutto »

Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA) – Keith Michael Andrus Memorial Award

The Keith Michael Andrus Cardiac Research Award was made in honor of its namesake to remember Keith’s legacy and to help advanced our understanding and treatment of the cardiomyopathy associated with FA. Proposals for this award should focus on advancing understanding and/or treatment of the cardiac involvement in FA. The applicant may request a budget of up

Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA) – Keith Michael Andrus Memorial Award Leggi tutto »

Pfizer – Real world data competitive grant in ulcerative colitis programme – Italian experiences

Pfizer invites applications for its real world data competitive grant in ulcerative colitis programme – Italian experiences opportunity. This supports observational research projects on Tofacitinib in ulcerative colitis clinical management, with an exclusive focus on real world data and real world evidence. Projects should be in relation to one or more of the following topics:

Pfizer – Real world data competitive grant in ulcerative colitis programme – Italian experiences Leggi tutto »

Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging – Mitzi and William Blahd pilot research grant call 2022

The Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, with sponsorship from the Education and Research Foundation for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, invites applications for the Mitzi and William Blahd pilot research grant. This supports basic or clinical scientists in the early stages of their career in conducting research in nuclear medicine or molecular imaging

Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging – Mitzi and William Blahd pilot research grant call 2022 Leggi tutto »

Pfizer – ASPIRE global cachexia grant

Pfizer, under its competitive grant programme, invites applications for its ASPIRE global cachexia grant. This supports research to gain a better understanding of the relationship between cachexia and cancer or heart failure. Basic science, preclinical research, and clinical research, animal experimentation related to human biology, and translational studies in the following topics will be considered:

Pfizer – ASPIRE global cachexia grant Leggi tutto »


American Federation for aging research – Glenn Foundation for Medical Research and AFAR Grants for Junior Faculty

The Glenn Foundation for Medical Research (GFMR) and AFAR provide up to $100,000 for a one- to two-year award to junior faculty (MDs and PhDs) to conduct research that will serve as the basis for longer term research efforts on the biology of aging. These investigators study a broad range of biomedical and clinical topics

American Federation for aging research – Glenn Foundation for Medical Research and AFAR Grants for Junior Faculty Leggi tutto »

European Hematology Association

European Hematology Association – Research Grant

The European Hematology Association Research Grants support talented early career researchers in advancing their career, e.g. towards becoming the leader of a research group. The research must be lab-based: basic or translational research. The Junior Research Grants support basic researchers within 4 years of their PhD graduation. The month of graduation must be less than

European Hematology Association – Research Grant Leggi tutto »

Lighthouse Guild – Pisart award in vision science

The Lighthouse Guild invites nominations for the Pisart award in vision science. This recognises early-career clinicians and scientists whose contributions have the potential to substantially influence understanding of vision loss, treatment of eye disease or the rehabilitation of people with vision loss. Candidates may be from any country. They must generally be within 10 years

Lighthouse Guild – Pisart award in vision science Leggi tutto »

European Society for Cardiology

European Society for Cardiology – Basic Research Fellowship 2021

The ESC Basic Research Fellowship is designed to allow a researcher  (not older than 35 years at the time of the application deadline) to spend one year in a European research laboratory (different from their current laboratory). It is open to basic scientists as well as clinical scientists and preferentially seeks to award support for preclinical research

European Society for Cardiology – Basic Research Fellowship 2021 Leggi tutto »

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