Enti finanziatori

Parkinson’s foundation – PF/PSG mentored clinical research award

The Parkinson’s Foundation and the Parkinson Study Group invite applications for their mentored clinical research award. This supports new investigators in patient-oriented research in Parkinson’s disease or other Parkinsonian disorders under the mentorship of an experienced investigator. The aim is to provide funding for an investigator who has the potential to become an independent researcher. […]

Parkinson’s foundation – PF/PSG mentored clinical research award Leggi tutto »

Spencer Foundation – Large research grants on education

The Spencer Foundation invites proposals for its large research grants on education. These support education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived. This programme supports proposals with multiple disciplinary and methodological perspectives that develops new foundational knowledge that may also have a lasting impact on policy-making, practice or educational discourse.

Spencer Foundation – Large research grants on education Leggi tutto »

Horizon 2020: bando Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Researcher’s Night 2020

La Notte Europea dei Ricercatori si propone di portare i ricercatori più vicino al pubblico e di aumentare la consapevolezza delle attività di ricerca e innovazione, al fine di sostenere il riconoscimento pubblico dei ricercatori, creando una comprensione dell’impatto del lavoro dei ricercatori sulla vita quotidiana dei cittadini e incoraggiando i giovani a intraprendere carriere di ricerca. La

Horizon 2020: bando Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Researcher’s Night 2020 Leggi tutto »


Horizon 2020 – aperti nuovi bandi

Di seguito tutti i nuovi bandi appena pubblicati: 3 nuovi topic del bando Blue Growth di Horizon 2020 dedicati allo sviluppo dei settori marino e marittimo. BG-07-2019-2020 (IA-LS): The Future of Seas and Oceans Flagship Initiative Data chiusura: 22 gennaio 2020 BG-10-2020 (RIA): Fisheries in the full ecosystem context BG-11-2020 (RIA): Towards a productive, healthy, resilient, sustainable and highly-valued Black Sea Data chiusura First Stage: 22 gennaio 2020; Data

Horizon 2020 – aperti nuovi bandi Leggi tutto »

Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging – Mitzi and William Blahd pilot research grant

The Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, with sponsorship from the Education and Research Foundation for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, invites applications for the Mitzi and William Blahd pilot research grant. This supports basic or clinical scientists in the early stages of their career in conducting research in nuclear medicine or molecular imaging

Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging – Mitzi and William Blahd pilot research grant Leggi tutto »

Spencer Foundation – Research-practice partnership programme

The Spencer Foundation invites intent to apply forms for its research-practice partnership grants programme. This supports education research that engages in collaborative and participatory partnerships. Partnerships that include scholars and institutions of higher education, rural geographic locations and partnerships that deeply engage community-based organisations and families are encouraged. PIs and co-PIs must have a doctorate

Spencer Foundation – Research-practice partnership programme Leggi tutto »

Parkinson’s Foundation – Institutional movement disorder fellowship – research centres of excellence

The Parkinson’s Foundation, under its institutional movement disorder fellowship programme, invites applications for its research centres of excellence funding opportunity. This supports innovative team science at institutions working on a thematic area of Parkinson’s disease. Proposals must tackle critical issues or problems that are impeding progress in the field of Parkinson’s disease research. Preference will

Parkinson’s Foundation – Institutional movement disorder fellowship – research centres of excellence Leggi tutto »

Mission Innovation 2019 Joint Call On Energy Storage

ll secondo bando “Mission Innovation 2019 Joint Call On Energy Storage” per progetti di ricerca transnazionali si concentra sulle seguenti aree tematiche: Identification of challenges for storage solutions and its “need-owner(s)” Description of R&I activities and co-creation of solutions (main part) Scaling up, replication and dissemination strategy Il MIUR ha impegnato 600.000,00 € nella forma

Mission Innovation 2019 Joint Call On Energy Storage Leggi tutto »

Cooley’s Anemia Foundation – Support for ongoing clinical research in thalassaemia

The Cooley’s Anemia Foundation invites letters of intent for its support for ongoing clinical research in thalassaemia. This enables investigators with ongoing clinical projects to address one or more of the following areas impacting patients with thalassaemia: •cardiac issues and iron overload; •fertility, pregnancy and family planning; •quality of life, psychosocial impact or burden of

Cooley’s Anemia Foundation – Support for ongoing clinical research in thalassaemia Leggi tutto »

European Institute of Technology

EIC – bando Fast Track to Innovation

L’azione Fast Track to Innovation si propone di dare alle innovazioni l’ultima spinta necessaria prima della loro introduzione sul mercato e promuovere attività di innovazione close-to-market. Lo strumento mira a aumentare la partecipazione ad H2020 dell’industria, delle PMI e delle imprese che partecipano per la prima volta a progetti di ricerca e innovazione a livello europeo. Si tratta di uno strumento completamente

EIC – bando Fast Track to Innovation Leggi tutto »